
Implement security and user authentication

  • How we store password in the database
  • Creating the User Model
  • The Repository Pattern
  • Creating the Authentication Controller
  • Data Transfer Objects
  • Token authentication
  • Authentication Middleware


Create a simple skeleton with minimal components to test all the basic pieces:

  • a github repository
  • a simple webapi that loads dummy data from a Sqlite database
  • a simple angular SPA that loads data from the webapi


DatingApp is a SPA dating application written in Angular 5 with a webapi backend made in C# using .net core 2.1.

The application is my opinionated version of this Udemy course

The course used a previous version of .net core I fixed everything to use 2.1.0-rc1-final. After chapter 5 I also gained enough confidence with Angular to update it to version 6.

  1. Preparation
  2. Skeleton
  3. Securing
  4. Client authentication
  5. Error handling
  6. Third party components
  7. Routing
  8. Extending the API
  9. Building the UI
  10. Updating users
  11. Photo upload
  12. Registration
  13. Action filters
  14. Paging filtering and sorting
  16. Messaging
  17. Publishing