Implement security and user authentication
- How we store password in the database
- Creating the User Model
- The Repository Pattern
- Creating the Authentication Controller
- Data Transfer Objects
- Token authentication
- Authentication Middleware
Create a simple skeleton with minimal components to test all the basic pieces:
- a github repository
- a simple webapi that loads dummy data from a Sqlite database
- a simple angular SPA that loads data from the webapi
Installation of all the basic tools.
[Read More]Preparation
DatingApp is a SPA dating application written in Angular 5 with a webapi backend made in C# using .net core 2.1.
The application is my opinionated version of this Udemy course
The course used a previous version of .net core I fixed everything to use 2.1.0-rc1-final. After chapter 5 I also gained enough confidence with Angular to update it to version 6.
Webapi skeleton
The skeleton for the dating app
A skeleton webapi that loads data from a sqlite database.
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