Various plugins for visual studio code, useful for developing in c# and Angular.
C# for Visual Studio Code
From Microsoft (ms-vscode.csharp) 6,649,401 downloads.
- Lightweight development tools for .NET Core.
- Great C# editing support, including Syntax Highlighting, IntelliSense, Go to Definition, Find All References, etc.
- Debugging support for .NET Core (CoreCLR). NOTE: Mono debugging is not supported. Desktop CLR debugging has limited support.
- Support for project.json and csproj projects on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Absolute must have!
C# Extensions
From jchannon (jchannon.csharpextensions) 217,166 downloads.
- Add C# Class
- Add C# Interface
- Add fields from constructors
- Add constructor from properties
- Add read-only property from constructors
- Add property from constructors
Speed up development, not powerful as having visual studio but very nice.
NuGet Package Manager
From jmrog (jmrog.vscode-nuget-package-manager) 106,389 downloads.
Adds nuget commands to the command palette.
CTRL + Shift + P -> NuGet
Nice but not essential.
Angular v6 Snippets
From John Papa (johnpapa.angular2) 3,145,800 downloads. Previosuly known as Angular v5 Snippets.
Typescript and html snippets for Angular.
For example a-component creates the skeleton of a typescript component.
Very good extension for speed and a bit of help for the new players.
Angular Files
From Alexander Ivanichev (alexiv.vscode-angular2-files) 158,397 downloads.
Scaffold angular 2 file templates.
Very good for speed. Fast creation of angular artifacts without the command line.
Angular Language Service
From Angular ( 599,540 downloads.
Features: completions, errors, hints, and navigation inside your Angular templates.
Absolute must have!
Path Intellisense
From Christian Kohler (christian-kohler.path-intellisense) 964,343 downloads.
Autocompletes npm modules in import statements.
Very good.
Bracket Pair Colorizer
From CoenraadS (CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer) 1,763,347 downloads.
Colorize (), [], and {} allowing a easy recognition of the opening/closing pairs. Very customizable.
Nice tool, not fundamental but a cool visual enhancement.
Material Icon Theme
From Philipp Kief (PKief.material-icon-theme) 2,697,857 downloads.
Add various material icons and allows theming and customization
Nice tool, not fundamental but a cool visual enhancement.
Prettier - Code formatter
From Esben Petersen (esbenp.prettier-vscode) 2,178,622 downloads.
CTRL + Shift + P -> Format Document
Absolute must have!
From egamma (eg2.tslint) 5,316,218 downloads.
Linting for typescript.
Remember to install the dependencies npm install -g tslint typescript
Not essential but a very useful tool.
TypeScript Hero
From Christoph Bühler (rbbit.typescript-hero) 671,318 downloads.
- manages import statements
- automatically import missing dependencies
- organize and sort imports
Absolute must have!
Debugger for Chrome
From Microsoft (msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome) 8,374,710 downloads.
Absolute must have!