Configure a site using Hugo - part 2

Creating the bluish capsule using Hugo, Atom and Github


We are going to create the following folders one for each area of the site.

  • /content/page - static pages like About and so on
  • /content/post - a section with articles and turorials
  • /content/project - will contain a subfolder for each project
  • /content/review - review of products bough online from amazon, aliexpress, …
  • /content/note - small snippets of stuff like links to a nice library or an interesting article

Create an index page for each section of the site.

hugo new post/
hugo new project/
hugo new review/
hugo new note/

In the page section we will not create an index file but just the pages.

hugo new page/

Insert a brief description of each section in the index pages. Change the draft status to false.


Open archetypes/ Insert subtitle, tags and categories.

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
subtitle: ""
tags: []
categories: []
draft: false

## Theme customization

### Pygment

Add to ```config.toml``` just below the global parameters

metaDataFormat = "yaml"
pygmentsStyle = "trac"
pygmentsUseClasses = true
pygmentsCodeFences = true
pygmentsCodefencesGuessSyntax = true

Add navigation to the top banner

In config.toml after the [author] section

  name = "Blog"
  url = "/post"
  weight = 1

  name = "Notes"
  url = "/note"
  weight = 2

  identifier = "projects"
  name = "Projects"
  weight = 3
  parent = "projects"
  name = "Projects home"
  url = "project"
  weight = 1
  parent = "projects"
  name = "Meccanici"
  url = "project/meccanici"
  weight = 2

  name = "Reviews"
  url = "/review"
  weight = 4